
macOS Productivity: Three Apps I Can’t Live Without

Are you ready to make your workflow more efficient? Check out these three excellent macOS productivity tools I use daily to streamline my development process. Add them to your toolset today to help make life easy!

macOS Productivity Apps

DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliate deals or financial relationship with any of the following companies, and I’m recommending them of my own volition. None of these suggestions have been sponsored.


One of my favorite features from Windows 10 is now available for macOS users, thanks to the wizard devs at CrowdCafe. Magnet allows you to effortlessly split your windows up by dragging them to the corners or edges of your screen. Quickly make your browser and IDE side by side for following along with tutorials or running testing. It’s shocking something like this isn’t included with macOS by default, but at the small price of three dollars, Magnet is worth the entrance ticket.


Squash is my image compression tool of choice for macOS productivity. It’s fast and easy to use. By keeping Squash in the macOS dock, I’m able to just drag and drop any existing files directly, saving time writing commands or making alias rules. Squash is a paid app and costs $15.


Working alongside designers, I have a lot of options when it comes to converting files. From the Affinity suite to Sketch and Figma, I’m never short of choices! What if you don’t want to have to crack open an image editor to just swap file types? That’s where the Adapter app comes in! Adapter allows you to change formats easily for video, audio, and image files. It’s lightweight and perfect for simple jobs that don’t require edits to the source. Best of all? Adapter is free!

What’s Your Favorite macOS Productivity App?

What's Your Favourite macOS Productivity App?

I’ve just scratched the surface when it comes to macOS productivity apps. What have I overlooked? I’d love to hear what tools you use to help with your workflow! Let me know what software you can’t live without in the comments.

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